Cigarette smoking is one of the most difficult habits to break!
At long last! You can kick the tar and nicotine that keep you addicted to real cigarettes...and keep the satisfaction of smoking! ECigarette looks, feels and smokes just like a real cigarette, but has none of the harmful substances found in real cigarettes. It emits a virtually odorless vapor that simulates actual smoke, but dissipates quickly in the air.
What is an E-Cigarette?
The ecigarette or electronic cigarette, is an alternative to smoking actual cigarettes that still gives a smoker the same feel and sensation of smoking. It looks like an actual cigarette, but is an electronic piece of equipment designed to look, feel and taste like a cigarette. It is powered by microchip technology and allows a smoker to enjoy all the sensations smoking gives them without the health risks. The smoker still gets nicotine into their system, but there is no tobacco products which alleviates the health risks associated with tobacco use.
One of the biggest benefits of using the e-cigarette is the absence of tar, arsenic, formaldehyde, acetone, ammonia and many other extremely poisonous, dangerous chemicals which are all in traditional cigarettes.
It is like an actual smoking experience but not any toxins. It is safe substitution of traditional cigarette. It has passed CE and ROHS certification. It is a kind of non-flammable electronic devices, with efficacies similar to those of the traditional cigarette. It can stimulate the smokers and satisfy their smoking addiction, so as to relieve the suffering during quitting smoking process.
Using Ecigarette, you can stick to your smoking habits without disturbing your environment with emissions from burned tobacco. Using Ecigarette, you still have the feeling of an adequate cigarette, cigar or pipe.
What are the Ecigarette benefits?1. NO Tar, NO Toxins - Does not contain the over 4,000 POISONOUS substances and harmful CHEMICALS found in real cigarettes
2. No smoke - They only produce water vapor
3. No Smoke smell - You breath out pure water vapor which contains no odor
4. No second hand smoke - No tar, carbon monoxide, or harmful toxins
5. No Ashtrays, no burns - Do not produce any ashes or butts to dispose of
6. Non-flammable - One less thing you need to carry around
7. Smoke where ever and when ever you want - In restaurant, at the bar, or airport
8. Better Health - Your body will notice the relief of cutting out all of those added poisons
9. No Stained Teeth - Ecigarettes do not stain your teeth
10. Improved self-esteem - You look better, feel better and more alive
11. Save money - Ecigarette refill cartridges are far less then traditional tobacco cigarettes
Eliminating these harmful carcinogens from your body is enough reason alone to invest in the ecigarette if you are a smoker!
Order now and get free delivered right to your home.
Price: USD65
Can Ecigarettes Help Me?
Switching to the ecigarettes can be a great way to continue smoking without continuing to damage your body. The damage caused by years of smoking can be repaired over time and using the e-cigarette can help accomplish that goal.
It's important to realize that the ecigarette still provides a person with their nicotine fix and does not alleviate their dependence on it. So, if you have tried to quit smoking but couldn't and you want to stop the damage to your system, then the ecigarette is a wonderful alternative.
But, the nicotine addiction will still be a part of your life. The dependency on this harmful drug should be addressed, probably separately, at a later time. But the ecigarette may be a great stepping off point if you are serious about kicking this debilitating habit for good.
Clinical trials have now been carried out in New Zealand by
Dr Murray Laugeson of Health New Zealand.
The test found that the E-Cigarette was:
"...very safe relative to cigarettes, and also safe in absolute terms on all measurements we have applied. Using micro-electronics it vaporizes, separately for each puff, very small quantities of nicotine dissolved in propylene glycol, two small well-known molecules with excellent safety profiles, – into a fine aerosol. Each puff contains one third to one half the nicotine in a tobacco cigarette’s puff. The cartridge liquid is tobacco-free and no combustion occurs."
Source: Electronic Cigarette Safety Report by Health New Zealand (PDF)
Dr Ian Brooman, GP, says on the BBC London News:
“A simple, safe, and very effective way to help people quit smoking”
It emits a virtually odorless vapor electronic cigarette brands that simulates actual smoke, but dissipates quickly in the air.